About Us

On 02/05/2015, A.M. Best is pleased to present you with a newly designed complimentary Anniversary BestMark icon that recognizes you as a time-honored listee in Best's Directory of Insurance Adjusters. Displaying this special anniversary icon, along with the annual BestMark you recently received, emphasizes your status as an industry professional whose clients consistently value your reputation and expertise.

Robbins U.S., Claim Services, Inc. is an independent adjusting corporation specializing in both on-road and off-road heavy equipment. Our experience includes handling claim losses on commercial and residential property, mobile homes, recreational vehicles, buses, cargo, motor homes, petroleum industry related machinery and equipment.
Our mission is to provide every claim the most accurate, timely and professional appraisal and/or adjustment the industry has ever experienced. With this in mind, Robbins U.S. is dedicated to providing unparalleled workmanship and service. 

Upon receipt of an assignment, immediate contact will be made with the parties involved and the appointment will be made to inspect the damages within 24 hours of when the vehicle or equipment is made available for our inspection. The Photo Report and Inspection Report can be emailed directly to you within 12 hours (business hours) of our inspection of the damaged vehicle/equipment. If you prefer, original reports may be forwarded by overnight mail. 

Michael T. Robbins, our companies founder, designed/constructed our computer generated reports and forms with input from numerous seasoned adjusters who also use our forms. These forms include, but are not limited to: Estimates, Photo Reports, Heavy Equipment Inspection Reports, Valuation Reports, Salvage Reports, Proof of Loss and Subrogation Documents. The information contained in our reports is easily located, legible and professional.